Skin rejuvenation

Everyone wants to have young, healthy-looking skin and today, achieving that has never been easier. Advanced technologies such as RF, Ultrasound and pulsed light, make the treatment of skin problems such as fine lines and wrinkles, persistent red complexion, sun spots, acne scars, large pores, pigmented lesions and other blemishes, an easy undertaking, allowing us to achieve young, healthy skin easily and effectively.
Med-Op offers highly innovative products that provide safe, comfortable and effective solutions for a wide range of skin problems and imperfections. Physicians who are looking for a solution that delivers a comprehensive range of non-invasive and virtually painless aesthetic applications would consider the Star Lift.
For deep cleansing treatments that deliver firmer, younger looking skin in a fast, safe, comfortable and virtually pain free, physicians would do well to consider the Med-O-Sonic.
Physicians seeking a photorejuvenation solution for the treatment of wrinkles, Rosacea and other blemishes, Med-Op offers the Dermo Flash range of products that utilize the company’s proprietary NCPL™ technology.